Kids Club
Encourage your kids to save and watch their money grow with our Kids Club. Get started with as little as $5.00.
Hey Kids! We want to see your artwork.
Grab a coloring page from our website or stop by the credit union for a coloring page. Color and bring your art, along with the entry form, to Total Community CU and you’ll be entered to win a huge basket filled with treats.*
Download Coloring Page & Entry Form

With rewards for making deposits, our Kids Club helps parents teach their kids to be responsible savers.
Our Kids Club is open to kids age 12 and under. A Kids Club account is great for depositing allowance and birthday money. A parent, guardian, or adult family member can open a youth member account for a child. When they do, their child becomes a member of our Kids Club. Members enjoy rewards, contest and event throughout the year.
Child’s birth certificate and social security number are required to open a Kids Club account.
Child’s birth certificate and social security number are required to open a Kids Club account.